First, the president needs to be a lot smarter than I am! Can you imagine the responsibility, the constant issues a president must be prepared to handle? The sacrifice of personal time for yourself and your family, the constant need to be aware that you must consider whatever you say, whatever you wear, whomever you appear with, even in casual situations, for you will be judged. That is more than most of us can even imagine. And, none of that is even really about the huge responsibilities of assuming that office. However, beyond those things, here are some things I think are important to consider in evaluating a candidate for the presidency, and other government offices.
First, I think maturity is important. Some people mature faster than others, but even the smartest young people need to have experienced life as an adult for a while to learn a few lessons. By law, our Presidents and Vice-Presidents must be 35, Senators must be 30, and Members of the House must be 25. In Kansas, the Govenor must be 25, to serve in the Upper House 18, the Lower House 18, Lieutenant Govenor 25, and Attorney General and Secretary of State do not have an age requirement apparently. I almost hate to include the ages for members of the House for fear some 18 year olds will read this and run for office!
Unfortunately, Maturity is not always about your age. Courtesy, Respect for the office you hold, and just a politeness for the fact that people thought you would represent them with a sense of dignity seems important to me. Ignoring traditions, customs of dress, and declining to appear at traditional occasions seem disrespectful of the office you are honored to hold, in my opinion.
I also believe education and experience are important. Perhaps I should say education + experience are important. Just having gone to college does not ensure that you have an education, nor are people who received an education by reading and observing and working necessarily uneducated. President Truman had very little post high school education, but he served in the military and he read. It was his opinion that a President needed knowledge of American history, as well as world history, and he read on his own to be educated about those things. History is difficult to teach to young students, for whom 20 years ago seems ancient, but knowledge of history is important to all of us, and it is essential to presidents.
Knowledge of the American Constitution is essential not only to every office holder but also to every American. How can we know if those we elect are respectful of our constitution if we haven't read it? And how can politicians do their jobs effectively if they haven't read it?
Sometimes the education and practice of certain jobs are helpful to politicians. For many years, most of our presidents had served in the military, and I think that was a good thing. Today, however, recent presidents have not had that training. Many presidents have been trained in the law, and that can be an asset. An educated understanding of finance can be helpful, as well as a business management background. We have also elected Presidents with a background in Education.
These are a few of the things I consider when I vote. However, there is something else that seems important to me. Whomever the person who has received the honor of election to office is, he or she should respect the dignity of the office and the honor they have been given by being elected by voters. Of course, people who run for office must be confident of their abilities, but over confidence and arrogance are not traits that I admire.
I read a lot of history, and even the best of presidents have had their flaws. However, some have done remarkably well in difficult times. A few, not too well. In a world in which our weapons are so horrible, and where the wonders of the internet include the dangers of spreading misinformation that they do, and AI is getting frighteningly capable of surpassing our human minds, we cannot elect presidents that don't measure up.
You certainly understand the assignment!