Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Poppies & Memories

World War 1 poster

 Many traditions seem to be waning in recent years.  I remember, as a child, the importance of Memorial Day--dressing in our 'Sunday Best,' not to attend church but rather to go to the cemetery to place flowers on family graves.  In high school I marched in the band on Memorial Day.    The cemetery was crowded with people, and most graves were decorated with flowers.  My great-grandfather was a Civil War veteran, so his grave was marked with a flag.

I remember the poppies, but I am not certain that I understood their meaning.  Perhaps all of us need an occasional reminder.

Poppy seeds can lie dormant for up to 100 years, bursting from the ground when the soil they had slept in is disturbed and sunlight awakens the seeds to burst into bloom.  During W.W. I the bombing and digging of trenches, as well as mass graves, created the conditions to cause millions of poppies to burst into bloom.  

 A Canadian physician, Lt. Colonel John McCrae, was struck by the juxtaposition of the darkness of war and the beauty of the bright red poppies, the contrast inspiring him to compose the poem "In Flanders Fields," writing "In Flanders fields the poppies blow between the crosses, row on row..."

American Moina Michael was in Germany when the first World War broke out, and later McCrae's poem inspired her, particularly after teaching a class of disabled servicemen at the University of Georgia following the war.  Her desire to support men like her students, in need of financial and occupational support, led to the idea of selling silk poppies to raise money. 

Another woman, in France, Anna Cuerin, had a similar idea, using poppies to raise money for widows, orphans and veterans, as well as helping to fund post war restoration efforts.

As Memorial Day draws near, it is important to remember the sacrifices other have made for us through their service, even giving their lives for their country.  

There are many ways to show respect to those who served the country, whether simply reflecting on their sacrifice, thanking those who served, or contributing to programs that assist veterans.  Another way to show respect is to take time to learn about our nation's history--the unique Constitution and those who have protected it in many ways--in court rooms, classrooms, books, movies, and other ways.

Lt. Colonel McCrae showed his respect in a poem.  Moina Micheal and Anna Cuerin used poppies to help us remember and to raise money to help as well.

This year, on Memorial Day, consider pausing to recall the words from "In Flanders Field."  

"We are the Dead.  Short days ago   We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,   Loved, and were loved, and now we lie   In Flander fields."


Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Truth & Nothing But!


He marched as best he could, stood at attention, finally accepted a chair, but stayed!  Duty first.

Those of you who follow my blog know that I have written about the shaky attitude many people have about telling the truth.  Whether it is stretching the truth a tiny bit to make a better story, or simply telling a whopper, research shows that many people find it difficult to stick to the absolute truth.

There is a difference between shading the facts a little in a simple conversation or simply getting the truth wrong innocently because of forgetfulness or mistaken belief.  Taking an oath is significantly different. If you are accused of perjury -- willfully and knowingly lying after taking an oath to tell the truth, there can be consequences.  If you lie or sign a document that you know contains false assertions, you can serve up to 4 years in state prison and be ordered to pay thousands of dollars in fines. 

We are familiar with Presidents swearing with their hand on a Bible, but it isn't the Bible that makes the oath obligatory.  John Quincy Adams swore on a book of law.  Teddy Roosevelt did not swear on any book at all.  It is the declaration of telling the truth that makes the oath binding. 

Government offices, including civil servants and notaries must take an oath.  Law enforcement must swear to support the Constitution, their state Constitution, the laws of their jurisdiction, and to ensure safety and quality of life of the communities they serve.  Certain professions are required to take oaths, such as doctors and dentists. Lawyers must take an oath, and the content of the oath differs from state to state.

Lawyer's oaths in the early years of our nation were pretty simple--just "do no falsehood."  Or it was suggested that lawyers were expected to "faithfully and honestly demean myself...and to comply with public obligations," but there was no provision for what that meant.  Today, each state determines their obligation, some relatively brief while others are fairly detailed.  Concern about the disrespectful demeaner shown by many lawyers in courtrooms has led to Lawyer Civility Oaths in some states, requiring that opposing counsel be treated "with respect and dignity."   

 Of course, those who are elected by the people to serve in state and national offices have particular responsibilities, which they swear to perform.  Members of the supreme Court, who are not elected, swear to administer justice without respect to persons & do equal right to the poor and to the rich and faithfully and impartially discharge & perform all the duties incumbent on them under the constitution and laws of the United States.  

Enlisted personal swear allegiance to the Constitution, the President, and Officers.  However, Officers swear an oath to the constitution only.  The Founding Fathers wisely limited Officers' oath to only the Constitution in order to protect against officers being bound to follow the orders of a dictator, an example of the checks and balances wisely anticipated by the Founding Fathers.

In a time when telling the truth is less assured than perhaps it once was, the responsibility of taking an oath of office becomes even more important.  Our legal system depends upon the responsibility of everyone in a court room to respect the oaths and duties they assume--the witnesses, the jury, the respectful behavior of those in the court room, the Judge, the lawyers, and those reporting the news--with accuracy and without bias.

It is true that we as a nation are more polarized than perhaps in other times.  It is true that many traditional customs have been discarded or weakened.  It is true that respect in general for many things are not faithfully observed.  Some of that may be good, but some of it may not be.  As the old saying goes, we have shown ourselves capable of being able to right the ship even if it begins to flounder.  But disrespect for the checks and balances the Founding Fathers gave us is not something to disregard.  While we can hope that the checks and balances they put in place will hold, we must not test that balance to its extremes, and each of us shares that responsibility.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Why Wars?

 On April 21, 2024, the U.S. House of Representatives finally passed Appropriations for Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific.  Certainly, Americans have been focused on those three places, and while we are not at war, we are assisting in ways we believe to be right.  Even those who disagree cannot fail to recognize the brutal attack by Hamas into Israeli territory to slaughter, rape, and take hostage innocents, even if they disapprove of the Israeli response that in turn has resulted in the deaths of innocents.  Nor can we ignore that Putin's assault on another country is brutally unjustified.  And, while China has not started a war, they have provoked tensions. Has not the world experienced enough wars to realize the savagery, the killing of innocents, the suffering of both sides?

New Hampshire Memorial from WW I

Looking to history, we come across attorney and political ethicist Mahatma Gandhi, who described the 7 Blunders of the World that Lead to Violence.  They are:  Wealth without Work, Pleasure without Conscience, Knowledge without Character, Commerce without Morality, Science without Humanity, Worship without Sacrifice, and Politics without Principle.  Those 7 suggestions are worth reflection, because they offer a means for hope.  Most of us agree that the Seven reminders are things to which many aspire.

A search online suggests that wars are fought primarily for economic, religious, and political reasons.  Other reasons are the desire for revenge or retaliatory punishment.  There are those, however, who believe we have certain innate and psychological reasons for starting wars.  For whatever reasons, history tells us there has been no year without armed conflict for centuries.

It is worth reminding that wars are not just fought with other nations.  As proof, today there are internal conflicts within Sudan, Myanmar, and Ethiopia.  Other forms of War are Haiti's Gang Violence and Mexico's struggles with Drug Cartels.   

To counter that bad news, there are actually some countries that have never been at war, among them Iceland and Greenland.  

Geneva Academy, established in 2007 by the Faculty of Law at the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies monitors more than 110 armed conflicts, some of which make headlines and others go ignored.  While there are new conflicts occurring, others have lasted more than 50 years. 

My research led me to a previously unknown but logical source, The Modern War Institute at West Point.  The article by Christopher Blattman, titled "The Five Reasons Wars Happen" begins with the primus that "fighting--at all levels from irregular warfare to large-scale combat operations--is ruinous and so nations do their best to avoid open conflict."  It is easy to forget the averted wars, since authors and reporters are far less likely to write about wars that did not happen than those that were not averted.  Blattman quoted Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-tung in 1938, when he said, "Politics is war without bloodshed, while war is politics with bloodshed."

What is needed to avert war is discussion and concession, with leadership on both sides engaging in a strategizing much like players of poker or chess.  As in those games, war happens when something interrupts the normal incentives for compromise, with the result being bargaining through bloodshed.

Things go wrong when leaders are unaccountable, unchecked and unaccountable to their people, pursuing their own agendas.  Or, when leaders are ideological, blinded by Beliefs, Glory, or some nationalist vision.  Being biased by isolation and insulation from truth can also blind leadership.  Uncertainty, about all kinds of things needed for appropriate judgement, can also lead to war.  The caution resulting from unreliable positions in power, caused by transitions in leadership or unreliable advice can also cause things to go wrong during negotiations.

Peace is more likely when the power of autocrats has been checked, when uncertainty and  misconceptions have been avoided through dialogue, and when written constitutions and bodies of law make shifts in power more stable.  With these tools, incentives to fight rather than compromise can be  successful in creating a safer world.    

While we know that history tells us that there has never been a year without conflict for centuries, there are times when the world has seemed relatively calm.  It is encouraging that West Point teaches ways to avoid war, despite the need to be ready if war comes.  Sadly, we are living in troubled times.  It is important to remember that it is not entirely or even primarily up to our military to make America safe.  It is up to us to be informed, to send the right people to our state and national capitals, to remember what the Founding Fathers gave to us that is so special--a nation like no other.  

When I happened upon the "7 Blunders that lead to Violence," it led me to the research for this blog.  I was feeling discouraged, not just by the wars but also by the anger and hatefulness it was causing in our own country.  Instead of choosing between hatefulness and hopelessness, perhaps we should give some attention to the Blunders Gandhi identified.  Sometimes even the little things that we do in our own lives can make a difference.  It seems worth considering.  



Wednesday, April 17, 2024

History and Music

Singing under the American Flag

 Recently I read a book written jointly by historian Jon Meacham and musician Tim Mcgraw.  They defined their purpose as "History isn't just something to read; it's also something to hear."  I have blogged about how music has changed in my lifetime, but their book included in its eight chapters music from the beginning of our nation. It is a wonderfully unique perspective that introduced me to music I had never heard, as well as music that has remained a part of American life over the years, to a more insightful notion of music I knew very well but had neglected the significance of that music on the times in which it was written.

Music is not just about lullabies and love songs, although they seem to endure through every generation.  The book's title makes that clear.  "Songs of America:  Patriotism, Protest, and the Music That Made a Nation."  Frances Scott Key, watching the battle with the British for Fort Henry, was inspired to write "What so Proudly we Hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming," and his words were put to music.  Decades later, George W. Bush adopted Brooks & Dunn's song 'Only in America,'' as a campaign song.  Music has been a part of our national events from our beginnings and continues to be.

The Civil War had music that expressed emotions on all sides, Abraham Lincoln calling for the playing of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," Black slaves expressing their feelings in spirituals like "Go Down, Moses" and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot," and Southerners singing "I Wish I was in the Land of Dixie."

There are too many songs explained in the book to name all of them, but a few are "America the Beautiful," "This Land is Your land," "You'll Never Know," a favorite of American soldiers in WW II, "We Shall Overcome," and "The Ballad of the Green Berets."  

Our songs have been intended to bring us together and also to rebel against the actions and opinions of others. Meacham and Mcgraw closed their book with an example of that friction.  On June 14, 1965, Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson hosted a Festival of the Arts.  It was a time, as it too often seems to be in America, when there was great disagreement.  President Johnson was unhappy about the open discord among the several hundred invited guests.  

When he spoke, this is what he said:  "Your art is not a political weapon.  Yet much of what you do is profoundly political.  For you seek out the common pleasures and visions, the terrors and the cruelties, of man's day on this planet.  And I would hope that you would help resolve the barriers of hatred and ignorance which are the source of so much of our pain and danger.  In this way you work toward peace which liberates man to reach for the finest fulfillment of his spirit."

I bought their book because I admire the gifts of both Meacham and Mcgraw.  I didn't know exactly what the book was about, but I hoped I would enjoy reading it, and I did.  For those of you who enjoy history but don't have any particular interest in music, I believe you would enjoy reading this book.  For those of you who love music, but are not particularly interested in history, I believe you would enjoy reading this book too.  It opened my eyes to something I had never fully recognized although it was right in front of me. 

 Meacham was right!  "History isn't just something to read; it's also something to hear."

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Our Disappearing Culture

Do you know what this egg-shaped thing is?

Without reading the label on the can, do you know what this is?  And, if you know what it is, why is there a light bulb lying beside it?  If you know, I suspect that your age has something to do with it!  The egg-shaped rock is a darning egg, and the light bulb is a substitute if you do not have a darning egg.  

Now that I have told you what it is, I would bet that some of you still have no idea what I am talking about.  A darning egg is used to darn socks when a sock gets a hole in the toe or the heal.  You slip the darning egg into the sock, and then you can mend it.  Perhaps you are not familiar with mending, nor do you own a needle or keep various colors of thread on hand to match whatever you are mending.

It is not just the language between those with gray in their hair and their grandchildren.  It is our generational differences about whether it is more reasonable to mend the sock or simply to buy a new sock. Both generations see the question as wastefulness, the older seeing it as a waste of money to throw away a sock that can be mended and worn for twice as long, while the younger would see the craft of mending such an inexpensive item as a waste of time. 

This blog is not about darning, but rather is about Cultural Erosion, the disappearance of things taken for granted from generation to generation.  I have blogged about disappearing traditions, such as  traditional ceremonies, traditional crafts, and cultural knowledge.  Once, Americans took pride in being what was called a 'melting pot' of emigrants.  That is not to say we never had ugly examples of shameful abuse--of indigenous people, of black slaves, of Chinese railroad laborers, and Japanese Americans in WW II as obvious examples.  Yet, even those examples ultimately contributed to the American culture--enriching our so called 'melting pot' with such things as food we eat, the music we love, the clothes we wear, the words that blended into the American language, and countless more.  Those things enriched all of us, even if we sometimes need to be reminded.

However, this blog is not about discrimination or any one group of immigrants that created our American mix of ethnicities.  It is about the overall rapid changes in the American Culture--changes that make some of us feel as if the culture we knew is disappearing.  

I used the darning egg as a simple example, not because I expect young people to start darning their socks but to comment on what is called our Cultural Erosion.  Cultural Erosion is defined as when parts of a culture start to disappear or become lost over time.  The term originated with the loss of cultural traditions, causing ethnicities to lose part of their identity, history, and way of life.  For many people, that led to feelings of disconnection, and loss of cultural pride, and I would add, a disconnection between generations.

Today, what I see is not only Cultural Erosion but also Cultural Explosion.  I have blogged about Generational changes over the past century, but Cultural Erosion is more about the impact of changes on people.  Changes have always occurred, but the rapidity of change has become disorienting, and sometimes even frightening.  While we all know that it is impossible to turn back the clock, perhaps some of us have wished at one time or another that we could.  Changes in the past were not so abrupt, nor so personal.  We had more time to accept them.  That is no longer true.  The changes from one generation to the next happen faster and are more extreme.  

As a simple example, my mother's earrings had screws to tighten to her ear.  I had my ears pierced.  Today piercings are everywhere.  Another example is that in my parents' generation, some men got tattoos, but my generation, a few women got tattoos, although generally small and often located where they could be covered for work or other occasions.  Today both men and women get tattoos which often cover large areas of their bodies.  A third example is how we dress for particular occasions.  Sometimes, I don't have a clue!  Cultural Erosion can be disorienting, confusing, and sometimes may seem disrespectful, eroding the cultural thread that binds generations across the decades.      

 We cannot return to the ways things were in the past, but right now we seem to be struggling with our new world.   We cannot go back, nor can we stop the clock, but we can learn things from the past and apply that wisdom to the present.  At least, I hope we can.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Which Generation Got it Right?

 I have needed to look up the Generational Definitions over the last century, so I hope you will enjoy sharing my research, whatever generation that you are.  

Those born 1928 to 1945 are called the Silent Generation.  I'm wondering whether they are really silent or if nobody cares to listen to them.  It is obvious that marketers don't have any reason to pay attention to them, since if they are alive, they are probably in a nursing home or are trying to get rid of their stuff rather than buying things.

Those born 1946-1964 are the Baby Boomers, born after WW 2 when the soldiers came home and couples were eager to start their families.  The economy was booming, with families needing houses and furniture and cars and cloths.  Now, they share something in common with the Silent Generation, since they too are probably trying to downsize their homes and pass things on to their grown children, who probably do not want it.

Those born 1965-1980 are Generation X, whose parents may have had a high old time, but who grew up in a recession time, causing them to be more cautious with money.  In general, they still like nostalgia and tradition, they have enjoyed technology most of their lives, and they probably enjoy email.

Those born 1977-1995 are Millennials, although they are also called Generation Y. They became the largest generation in history and were the first generation to grow up with modern technology.  They became particularly comfortable with social media, checking with influencer marketing, reviews, and Brands that supported causes.

Those born in 1996-2012 are Generation Z, which might make you think we had run out of alphabetic names, but you would be wrong.  They are particularly familiar with Influencer marketing, reviews, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and other things I don't understand.

Those born 2013 to the Present are Generation Alpha, but if you think that brings you up to date, you will be disappointed.  Because some of the generations were too long and too indefinite to exactly fit the named categories, --whoever these people are who decide these things--, they came up with Microgenerations: the Xennials and the Zillennials

Xennials were early Gen Y or late Gen X babies, growing up with technology but without social media during childhood and teen years.  The impact of 9-11 in their teens made them more likely to be skeptical.

 Zilliennials were alive when 9/11 happened, but were too young to really understand.  Perhaps that somehow influenced them to be better at balancing their strong work ethic with their personal lives.

So now that we understand these labels for various age groups, what is the point?  First, marketers want to know how people spend their money and their time.  Second, politicians are interested in knowing how voters think.  Third, educators need to understand the right training for students and what teaching methods work best for preparing them for what is to come. Forth, housing and population growth are impacted by things like at what ages people marry, or choose not to marry, or prefer to live with their parents longer.  Fifth, decision about having children, and how that impacts social planning. Sixth, how people interact with one another-- using social media or personal meetings require adjustments. Seventh, all of these choices impact social behavior, addictions, privacy, confrontations and ridicule, cyber bullying, and mental health that will need modifications and assistance.

Our world is changing, and if we want to keep up with it, we are forced to at least try to understand a  bit of how others see the world.  What is important is that whether you are a member of the Silent Generation or Generation A, we all need to look around and recognize that whatever generation we are, we can learn from the past and the present generations.  No single generation ever got everything right or everything wrong.

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Socrates was Right

 Socrates said "The misuse of language induces evil in the soul.   

As an author, I take great pains in trying to choose the right words, not just in the since of grammar or finding words that are technically correct.  As author Ursula K. Le Guin described it, "A writer is a person who cares what words mean, what they say, how they say it.  Writers know words are their way towards truth and freedom, and so they use them with care, with thought, with fear, with delight."

This blog is not about an author's responsibility with words, however.  Rather, it is about the importance of the right of free speech and the abuse of that right.  On March 18, 2022, the New York Times published an editorial titled "America Has a Free Speech Problem."  The link to the full article can be found at the bottom of this blog.  The opening paragraph stated, "Americans are losing hold of a fundamental right as citizens of a free country:  the right to speak their minds and voice their opinions in public without fear of being shamed or shunned."  

I have blogged about this subject previously, but the editorial offers some important insight.  For example, "If people feel free to express their views in their communities, the democratic process can respond to and resolve competing ideas.  Ideas that go unchallenged by opposing views risk becoming weak and brittle rather than being strengthened by tough scrutiny.  When speech is stifled or when dissenters are shut out of public discourse, a society also loses its ability to resolve conflict..."  

Included in the editorial are results of a survey in which the Times joined with Siena College to gain data about, among other things, whether people feel less free to talk about politics than they had a decade ago.  Forty-six percent said they did.  It seemed that the old saying "Think before you speak" has become, "Speak at your peril."

The five freedoms that make the United States of America what has been called the freest people in the world are freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and the right to petition the government.  Termination of those rights, whether by changes in laws or by individuals self-limiting their willingness to exercise those rights, diminishes our freedoms.

It has been said that those freedoms are the lifeblood of democracy, and the words of Benjamin Franklin validate the importance felt by the founding fathers at that time.  "In those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything his own," and furthermore, "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a Nation must begin by limiting the freedom of speech."

When it becomes difficult, or even dangerous, to speak with those having different opinions, we weaken the evolving wisdom of the nation.  The founding fathers knew the importance of sharing opinions as a way to keep up with our ever-changing world, both the exchange of ideas in communities and in state and national political chambers.  The warning of Socrates remains:  "The misuse of language induces evil in the soul."  

America has a Free Speach Problem.  

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

A History of Vice vs. Virtue

 Recently I came across this quote from Joseph Heller's Catch 22.  

"It was miraculous.  It was almost no trick at all, he saw to turn vice into virtue and slander into truth, impotence into abstinence, arrogance into humility, plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism, and sadism into justice.  Anybody could do it:  it required no brains at all.  It merely required NO CHARACTER."  

The quote led me to consider the real-life temptations of misdeeds by those in power, and I found examples old and new that included politicians, Ponzi schemers, and others.  The temptation to cheat is not limited to petty thieves.     

The hope of Lady Justice

Last week's post reflected the positive side of President Ulysses S. Grant in seeking education for all American children.  He was also an admired war hero, but as president, he tended to trust the wrong people.  Although he retained his honorable reputation, his "thievery into honor' as Joseph Heller described in Catch 22was more a neglect of duty by failing to oversee those he had appointed.  For example, his appointees speculated to corner the gold market, others cheated the Lakotas to allow mining for gold found in the Black hills, while in addition a whisky ring involved government officials who participated in a national tax evasion scam, as well as his neglectful oversight allowing a corrupt system to obtain lucrative postal contracts.  More directly, while his abuse of nepotism was not an exception, since Presidents Buchanan, Madison, Tyler, Monroe, and Jackson were also guilty of that abuse, it is estimated that during Grant's presidency, 40 relatives financially prospered directly or indirectly.  While Grant did not dip his own hand in the till, his lack of oversight allowed others to do so.  Questionable presidential appointments continue to this day.    

The temptations of power are not confined to Politicians.  Remember Ponzi-schemer Bernie Madoff, who orchestrated one of the largest Ponzi schemes in history, defrauding philanthropists, the elderly, and many famous people who trusted a man of 'No Character.'  Or, Michel Milken, who was lauded for his high-yield bond strategy for corporate mergers and acquisitions in the 1970s and 1980s, but in 1986 he was sent to prison and barred from the securities industry for life.  Perhaps in his case, a lesson was learned, and he is now known for launching the Prostate Cancer Foundation, his awareness of the need for which grew out of his own cancer.

Scammers include the former chairman of Sotheby's auction house, who was indicted for conspiring to fix auction commission rates.  He was sentenced to 1 year and 1 day, which he served, but his reputation was shattered.

Neither is the temptation of wealth acquired without honor limited to men.  Real estate mogul Leona Helmsley was sentenced to prison in 1992 by a judge who said in her sentencing, "Your conduct was the product of naked greed [and[ arrogant belief that you were above the law."  And, despite her fame and popularity, Martha Stewart was convicted of obstruction of justice and lying to investigators.  She served her time and managed to return to her television career.  

Recently, Elizabeth Holmes, known for her black turtle necks and blond hair, found that beauty and charm were no protection from being sentenced to 11 years in prison for fraud after persuading investors that she had developed a revolutionary medical device which was actually a sham.

Whether a brief lapse or a sustained deception, finding that "it was almost no trick at all...[to turn] plunder into philanthropy, thievery into honor, blasphemy into wisdom, brutality into patriotism...It merely required no character."  Sadly, Joseph Heller's themes in Catch 22 of the distortion of justice, the influence of greed, and the issue of personal integrity live on.

     F.N.  Joseph Heller, 1923-1999.  His 1961 novel, Catch-22, a satire on war and bureaucracy, was both initially very controversial but ultimately very popular.  Modern Library's list of the top 100 Novels of the Century places Catch-22 number 7 out of 100.  The novel became a movie in 1970, directed by Mike Nichols, staring Alan Arkin, Jon Voight, and Orson Wells.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

What Guides Us?

Quote from Ulysses S. Grant

 When I saw this quote by Ulysses S. Grant on the internet, I was reminded of the danger that lifting a single sentence from a speech can create, so I went in search of the context of Grant's quote.  We live in a nation where freedoms are very important to all of us.  Yet, what does it mean?...of speech, of religion, of the press, of assembly, of expression?  Grant sought to make a distinction between freedom of Patriotism and Intelligence versus Superstition, Ambition, and Ignorance.  Although "Ambition" may have been a questionable choice, since it can imply both "a praiseworthy or an inordinate desire," I like the quote.  In fact, his intention was concern about the delicate balance of government support for things about which Americans disagreed--some seeing them as good while others saw them as bad.
He was thinking about education.  In America's beginning, there was not immediate government support for education. Early schools were funded by parents paying tuition, charitable contributions, and sometimes by property taxes.  Today, public schools are funded through local, state, and federal money.  Even those who do not have children pay taxes to educate children who will grow up to be able to read, write, and capably have jobs that serve other Americans, whether that service is as doctors, hair dressers, musicians, soldiers, authors, or countless other things. However, public education did not really become common until the 1830s, gradually increasing between1850 and 1870.

Ulysses S. Grant served as President during the time decisions were being made about public education.  He recognized its importance.  It was a time of immigration, and Grant saw the role education would play in teaching all young Americans about American history, of sharing a common language, and bringing citizens together.  Different ethnicities could still preserve their traditions, while receiving a common education in public schools.

The challenge for Grant was that some public schools at that time were using the King James Bible in classrooms, causing Catholic schools to feel public funds should also be available to their schools. What Grant wanted were public schools that all children could attend. Rather than having the government fund all the different denominational churches, he wanted all Americans to have access to an education in public schools where no students were made to feel uncomfortable.  He was not trying to pick a fight about the King James Bible or the Catholic Bible.  He just wanted kids to have access to a free public school education, without imposing beliefs contrary to their own, or embarrassing them or making them feel different.  

Before I posted this quote by Grant, I wanted to know the context from which the quote was taken. What Grant was talking about was the challenge of a nation of so many differences in genetic roots, traditions, religions, and opportunities, to acquire a common public school education that brought Americans together in a mutual respect and patriotism for all Americans,  

The freedoms of our Constitution only work when applied to all Americans. without regard to ethnicity, wealth, or power of office.  Ulysses S. Grant was right in fearing for the Nation if we forgot the responsibility of all of us to protect and defend the Constitution.  If the American people, forget the careful drafting of our Constitution and the checks and balances they included, if Superstition, Ignorance, and perhaps his meaning of excessive Ambition cause us to ignore what our Founding Fathers risked their lives to give us, then this Nation may not survive.

Grant feared a threat "in the near future," --a threat that generations of Americans have so far avoided--, protected by those in uniform, by those in political office, by those on Court Room Benches, and by those in voting booths.  Perhaps in a democracy there will always be those who threaten the precious freedoms we enjoy, but none of us should ever take them for granted.  Read through the Freedoms I listed in the first paragraph of this blog.  Those freedoms are for all Americans, a gift from our  Founding Fathers, preserved by our ancestors, and left to us to protect for future generations. not just for us but for "Our Posterity.".  

"We the People of the United States, in Order to Form a more perfect Union
establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,
promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty
to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish 
this Constitution for the United States of America.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

You Can't Get There from Here isn't Always True!

Some budding musicians in the Byers Grade School Band 

Kansas isn't always known for College Basketball, Professional Football, or Deer Hunting.  For some Kansans, it has been the sound of Music!  This blog will share some well-known musicians' names you probably know but may not have known they were born in Kansas.

I will start with a name you may not recognize as having a musical connection, but Hattie McDaniel was born in Wichita, Kansas on June 10, 1893, and she grew up to be a singer-songwriter, which is what took her to California.  However, what you probably know her for is her role in Gone with the Wind, where she played the Mammy, for which she became the first Black actor to receive an Oscar.  Hattie McDaniel died October 26, 1952.

Charlie Parker, known as Bird or Yard Bird, was born in Kansas City, Kansas on August 29, 1920.  He was mixed Choctaw and African-American, and some people would say he was the best Jazz Alto Saxophone player that has ever lived.  He died too soon, at the age of 34, but he was recognized with a Grammy in the Hall of Fame Awards.

Stan Kenton was born December 15, 1911 in Wichita, and by the age of 15 he was playing piano at a local hamburger eatery for fifty cents a night and tips.  In the 1930s, with little money, he headed west, gradually gained attention as a jazz pianist, and in 1940 formed his first orchestra. As musical tastes changed, he changed with the times, and when he died on August 25, 1979, he left an indelible mark on big band jazz.

Having taken a look at these examples from the past, let's move forward, for instance to Melissa Etheridge, born May 29, 1961 and raised in Leavenworth, getting a Grammy Nomination with her 1st album in 1989, and two more in 1992, and with her third album bringing her first Grammy home...and she was just getting started and is still going strong.

Or, how about Martina McBride, born July 29, 1966, in Sharon, Kansas, a Country music singer-songwriter, who developed a crossover sound that not only pleased fans but also made her a 14-time Grammy nominee and a Country Music Association award four-time Vocalist of the year award.

And, in another musical direction, Joyce DiDonata was born in Prairie Village and was a K-Stater, is a multi-Grammy award winner whose operatic voice has been heard in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Chicago, Geneva, London, Tokyo, Vienna, Berlin, and many other opera venues.

I must not leave out the boys, including drummer Danny Carey, for the band Tool, as well as contributing his talent to albums of many artists, including a favorite of mine, Carole King.  He was born in Lawrence.

My research found many others who have gone from Kansas to the bright lights around the world, as well as a few younger people just getting started...whose names may someday become familiar.  But I will close with someone who thought enough of his home state to name his band after it.  Kerry Livgren was from Topeka and became a founding member of the band for which he suggested the name Kansas.  As primary songwriter for the American rock band Kansas, he put his home state in the spotlights.  Born September 18, 1949, as a child he loved classical and jazz, which may have had some influence in the development of a reputation for poetic lyrics and complex compositions.  He may be best known for Carry on Wayward Son and Dust in the Wind, definitely two of my favorites.

So, if you know someone who dreams of a career in music, and wonders whether he or she might some day perform under the bright lights, share this blog with them.  Others from Kansas have achieved success!


Thursday, February 29, 2024

America, One Nation


It was the Super Bowl that inspired this blog.  The flag ceremony, the Star-Spangled Banner, the crowd and the players representing Americans from all states, of all races and backgrounds.  Televisions turned on to Super Bowl parties of all kinds!

But, this blog is not really about the football game.  The blog began when I happened upon the NFL Ticket Exchange that Sunday Morning and saw the price of tickets to the game.  They ranged from $6,000 to $7,216, and that was not even for the best seats!

I scrolled on to the betting, and if you could not afford a bet on the game, you could bet on the color of the liquid dumped on the winning coach after the game, or other ridiculous things during the game to bet on.

It made me think about both how the game brought Americans together and how wealth and poverty separate us.  The disparity in wealth in America is significant, but the urge to spend money--beyond your means or not--seems to be part of the fun.

At the website The Ascent I found a study on the Most Wasteful Spending Habits Among Americans.  Their survey found that 95% of their respondents believed that people in the United States waste more money than they should.  Among the examples responders mentioned were overpaying for luxury items when less expensive items would do as well, and upgrading to the "latest version" when what they already own was just fine. Among some of the specific acts of wastefulness to which they admitted were:  frequenting fast-food places, buying overpriced beverages, impulsive buying, purchasing name brand when generic is comparable, and overpaying for digital services.

At Yahoo!finance, their research found that 1/3 of Genz's spend more money than they make, and about the same amount don't budget at all.  

However, some Americans would have looked at those surveys and shrugged their shoulders, feeling that they barely had enough money to survive, let along reflect on wasteful spending.  What I read led me to continue researching the wealth inequality in America. 

The Institute for Economic Equity provides quarterly dates on racial, generational and educational wealth inequality based on average U.S. household wealth.  These statistics can be found on line for those of you interested in details.  I will only offer some general comments that I found helpful to understand how family wealth is determined:  Family wealth is what a family owns, minus what they owe.  Another important statistic to consider is whether family wealth is going up, staying about the same, or going down. Records are also kept determining wealth gaps among groups, specifically White families, Black families, and Hispanic families.

In addition, records are kept by age, determining the generational wealth gap, as well as the wealth gap by family education.  Further, they look at overall wealth inequality, without regard to ethnicity, age, or education.  In the U.S. Wealth Inequality Survey of February 5, 2024, the top 10% of Americans by wealth had 6.5 million on average, and as a group they held 66.6% of total household wealth.  

The biggest gap in wealth seems to be with regard to education, and although Blacks and Hispanics have made advances, and there are now many who have leaped into the higher levels of wealth, overall they remain in the lower brackets.

All of which brings me back to the Super Bowl and the extreme display of wealth.  On playing fields and in universities, as well as independent businesses, people of all colors can be found.  Wealth  Inequality in America is changing, perhaps too slowly and still too unfairly, but it is changing.  While learning how to manage money and avoiding foolish spending may never make you a millionaire, it still may make a difference.  Perhaps that will never buy you a $7,000 ticket to the Super Bowl, but it might buy you a big screen TV and a steak dinner to celebrate if your team wins. 

The world is changing rapidly, and AI is already here and will obsolete many things taken for granted in the past.  But good sense and hard work can still make a difference.  

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Evolving of America, II

Abraham Lincoln

On February 19, 1862, which was in the midst of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation that Americans mark George Washington's birthday by pausing to read Washington's "immortal Farewell Address."  This blog post will share some of what Washington included in that proclamation.    With his usual modesty, Washington suggested that listeners (or readers) regard his words as those of "the disinterested warnings of a parting friend, who can possibly have no personal motive to bias his counsel."

What Washington suggested was that the "common and continual mischiefs of the spirit of party are sufficient to make it the interest and duty of a wise people to discourage and restrain it."  In other words, he was concerned that politicians might forget that they were cheering for the same team--for America.  Washington warned that divisiveness between parties when taken to extremes hurts the nation.  

 ~                    *                    ~         

    The following quotes share some of Washington's warnings about the dangers to our nation caused by political extremes: "It serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration.  It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another; foments occasionally riot and insurrection.  It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passion.  Thus the policy and the will of one country are subjected to the policy and will of another."

    Continuing, "There is opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty.  This within certain limits is probably true..."  But, Washington reminds, that there is a "constant danger of excess."  He continues, "It is important, likewise, that the habits of thinking in a free country should inspire caution in those entrusted with its administration to confine themselves within their respective constitutional spheres, avoiding in the exercise of the power of one department to encroach upon another.  ...The necessity of receptacle checks on the exercise of political power, by dividing and distributing it into different depositories, and constructing each the guardian of that public weal against invasions by the others, has been evinced by experiments ancient and modern..."

    Washington continued:  "To preserve them must be as necessary as to institute them.   If in the opinion of the people the distribution or modification of the Constitutional powers be in any particular wrong, let it be corrected by an amendment in the way which the constitution designates."

~                    *                    ~

Once in a while, it is wise for those of us who live in a very different world from that of our ancestors, to look back at the wisdom of those in the past.  As I read Washington's words from his Farewell address, I was shocked by how important they are for us to read today.  Likewise, in the middle of a Civil War, Lincoln realized that those same words would be important at that time for the nation to read.  

In fact, he thought the wisdom of Washington was so important that his birthday should be observed every year, and that the wisdom of his immortal words in his Farewell Address should be read as a reminder of the importance of our unique country.  Out of that ideal came the creation of President's Day.  Not all states recognize President's Day as an official holiday, and Kansas is among those.  Washington's Farewell Address is recited annually in the United States Senate, a tradition that continues to follow the suggestion of Lincoln.  

As I read Washington's words, they seem as important to me in 2024 as they were when he first spoke them.  May those trusted with the honor of holding offices in our government heed Washington's warnings about the dangers of political extremes.  

Members of both the Senate and the House take the same oath:  "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take the obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will faithfully perform the duties of the office on which I am about to enter."  The Supremacy Clause makes federal law paramount over the contrary positions of state officials, and certainly paramount to any dictate of political parties.     


Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Evolving of America, I

Memorial Day  *  Country over Party

 The Constitution our Founding Fathers drafted established a framework that would be capable of adhering to fundamental ideals, but also capable of expansion into unforeseen or changing events.  George Washington's election as our first president was indescribably important, for his wisdom and humility established norms not specifically detailed.  For example, he chose to serve for two terms, determined to avoid the possibility of a tradition that presidents would serve for life like kings.  Some later Presidents chose to serve longer than two terms, but ultimately Washington's wisdom regarding limiting presidential service to two terms was adopted.

Try to imagine the responsibility of George Washington as our first president.  He could not look back on what former presidents had done. The entire process of ratification of The Constitution, presidential election, and ratification of the Bill of Rights took place from 1788 to 1791.  It is hard for us to imagine, in our times of immediate transmittal of information and transportation from one side of America to the opposite side, the natural delays of the 1700s.  Yet, this was the environment in which Washington served.  

Not only was the communication and transportation so different from today, he was dealing with a variety of cultures, not only in ethnicity, but in one particular situation, matters of religion.  Washington himself was a devout 18th-century Anglican, following the faith of England, but the split from England had loosened any strict adherence.  Washington wrote, "I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far, that we should never again see their religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of Society."  Even on his own plantation, historians have found evidence that Washington did not oppose the practice of Islam and other traditional African religions at Mount Vernon.

Baptists and Methodists, as well as other new sects, were even less restricted by traditional structures of the old church, and fellow Patriots of George Washington, such as Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, were deeply skeptical of all organized religion.  Our Bill of Rights was not finally ratified until December 15, 1791, but the opening words of that document are:  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," and Article VI of the Constitution itself provided "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both in the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

John Winthrop, an English Puritan lawyer who served 18 annual terms as Governor or Lieutenant-governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, said America became a religious "refuge."  However, he, also gave a speech identifying two kinds of liberty: a natural liberty to do as one wished, whether "evil as well as good," vs a restrained liberty intended to do good.  In the Antinomian Controversy, in which Winthrop served as an assistant, the Colony was split by whether following religious laws was required for salvation.  The result was that religious differences proved not to be a refuge for everyone.

President Washington was faced with guiding the new nation through not only the various differences of Christians and Catholics, but other religious beliefs from across the world.  His broad tolerance (his choice of words) for differences is seen in his visit in 1790 to the Touro Synagogue of New Port, Rhode Island, and his letter to that body which clarified his broad view of tolerance.  "It is no more that toleration is spoken of as if it were the indulgence of one class of people that another enjoyed the exercise of their inherent natural rights."

However, perhaps of greater concern to Washington was not religious differences among Americans but rather what he called "the baneful effects of the Spirit of Party." In his farewell address, he emphasized the danger of political parties losing sight of their responsibility to work together for the good of the nation, warning against putting party first.

The Evolving of America, II will be posted in next week's blog. 


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Romance or Love

Royal & Lillian's Wedding Picture

 It has been my practice to share a Valentine blog post, and this year is no exception.  In fact, I thought some of you might be in the mood for a romantic book to read. There are countless books with romance as their subject, and this blog will share some examples, starting with Romantic stories from history.  It seems that historic romances often ended tragically! 

For example, the Greek story of Paris and Helen is said to have provoked the downfall of Troy, and when the Greek lover Orpheus rescues Eurydice from Hades he ignored the instruction not to look back and failed.  Bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde didn't turn out so well either, not did King Arthur when Lancelot and Guinevere split the Round Table.  The romance of Cleopatra and Mark Anthony ended tragically with his suicide caused by false information, and her own unwillingness to live without him, and what about Romeo and Juliet?!  Since these historical love stories did not end happily ever after, perhaps we should shift to literature.

I consulted several websites online, including "The greatest love stories, Romance Novels, Good Reads" and "Oprah Daily." All 4 websites recommended Pride and Prejudice and, Jane Eyre.  Romance Novels and Good Reads both recommended The Notebook, Outlander, and Persuasion, which was also recommended by Reddit.  

Among some of the other books recommended were Doctor Zhivago, The Princess Bride, Gone with the Wind, Wuthering Heights, West Side Story and Anna Karenina.  Over the years, I have read all of the books just mentioned and enjoyed them; however, my recollection is that heartbreak, deception, and betrayal often appear in romance novels, and you may want to keep a handkerchief nearby to dry your tears.

You may have noticed that many of the recommended romance novels were written decades ago, some even centuries ago.  Has the meaning of romance changed over the centuries?  When we speak of Love, what exactly do we mean?  

 Thanks to I can share with you some wisdom from the ancient Greeks, who had six levels of words to describe love.  First there was Eros, which we would call sexual passion.  Next there was Philia, or deep friendship, then, Ludus, or playful love, such as flirting and teasing.  The 4th word in the Greek's description of love was Agape, or love for everyone, meaning universal loving kindness, or we might say empathy, which I have written about in other blogs in reference to how reading improves empathy.  

The 5th level was Pragma, which meant longstanding love.  We don't have a word for that, but we do celebrate Marriage milestones.  The traditional anniversary gift for the first year of marriage was Paper, advancing to Cotton the second year, and reaching Tin or Aluminum by the 10th year.  I'm not sure how those traditional gifts were chosen, but times must have been rough for newlyweds back then!  There are revised modern gifts today, mostly advertised by jewelry stores!  I'm not sure many brides today would be impressed with most of the humble traditional choices.  However, the exchange of a lovely note on beautiful paper or a pretty card on their 1st Anniversary has continued to be a romantic tradition, with the annual exchange of Valentine cards, as well as flowers and chocolate. 

Finally, the 6th level of Ancient Greek words for love is Philautic, or love of self.  I had to do a bit more research to determine whether the word's meaning was Narcissism vs. a healthy respect for one's self, and fortunately, it is generally regarded to mean self-understanding, and is considered desirable rather than narcissistic or excessively vain.     

While we may not have 6 words for love, may Valentine's Day bring you the level of Ancient Greek love you are hoping for.  And if you choose to settle down with a good book, maybe one of those I recommended will be just the one you want!   

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Put Out to Pasture...Our Changing World

Put Out to Pasture

 In 2020 author Kurt Anderson released his book, Evil Genuis, The Unmaking of America: A Recent History.  Four years after reading it for the first time, I took the book off the shelf for a second review.  I found myself amazed by how much more of what he had predicted had happened.

The book points out how technology has always changed labor, but the distinction for today is the extent that human labor is being replaced by machines and AI.  Jobs simply disappear.  As machines and AI replace skilled labor, without new jobs of the same skilled level replacing them, workers are left with unskilled jobs at lower wages, if they can find jobs at all.

He uses this analogy:  When automobiles replaced the horses used to pull carriages, the horses were put out to pasture.  Labor adjustments of the past created new jobs for skilled labor, but today's displacement of skilled labor with machines and AI often reduce the need for skilled labor. Executives and those few needed to oversee the machines and AI continue to be needed, but many jobs simply disappear. In effect, many skilled laborers are simply put out to pasture or forced to take jobs that require fewer skills with less pay.

Fantasy writers of the past anticipated the risks of making workers obsolete.  Kirk Vonnegut's book Player Piano, published in 1952 was about the negative impact of machines, but even earlier Aldous Huxley's book Brave New World in 1932 and George Orwell's book 1984 in1949 also sounded the alert, as well as other books.

All of this might sound like an urban problem, but we should look around.  Farmers in our own communities have monster equipment which allows one operator to do in a few hours what took my father days, not hours, to do.  Small farms have been sold or leased to large farming operations, who must own or rent more land to justify the expensive massive equipment they use.

I have blogged about the screen writers who felt endangered by AI and went on strike to gain some security about their livelihood, threatened by generations of writers having had their work fed into AI to allow a machine to use the unpaid for work of generations of authors to create their stolen manuscripts.  Perhaps it isn't as easily understood as equipment displacing skilled laborers, but the real and potential impact is the same--lost jobs.  

Four years ago, when I first read Evil Genius, I had not fully recognized the threat.  Now I better understand.  This is not a problem for our children and grandchildren to confront.  The problems have already arrived!

Kurt Anderson saw the impact before most of us did, as is evident in the title of his book, The Unmaking of America.  Maybe we don't pay attention until it impacts us.  I saw the machines that were changing factory workers' jobs, but if I gave it any thought it was probably that those people doing heavy or boring repetitive work, day after day, were probably glad to be free of such jobs.  I did not consider whether the replacement job, if any, might be worse.  Like many of us, I didn't pay much attention until it impacted things relevant to me, like AI displacing artists and authors. 

Kurt Anderson is not entirely disheartened.  He writes, "I think we could prevent America from turning into a permanent dystopian horror show.  We might even manage to make it better than it was before..."  There is much food for thought in his book about ways we might adapt to changes, but for many of us, first we must see the impact of these changes before we can consider adjustments.  If you can buy or borrow or find a copy of his book at your local library, I recommend it.  We humans are not ready to be Put Out To Pasture! 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

What is Populism?

Isaac Werner's Journal
 Many of you who follow my blog know that the discovery of Isaac Werner's Journal was what inspired my decade long research and writing of Prairie Bachelor, The story of a Kansas Homesteader and the Populist Movement.  Because Kansas played such an important role in that movement, and because the community in which I grew up was among those active in the movement, I have a deep sense of what populism meant at the time Isaac Werner and many in his community were part of that movement.  

Therefore, I am often perplexed by what is being called Populism today.  While I was doing research for my book, I found present day politicians described as populists who were unlike the people I came to know in my research for Prairie Bachelor.  It did not seem to make sense that very different politicians today are being called Populists.

Watching news during the recent 2024 primary election in New Hampshire, I heard someone say, "You know there is both  Negative Populism and Positive Populism." I decided it was time for me to do some research to explore how the term Populism had evolved since Isaac Werner's time.  In the era of my book, during the late 1800s, Populism began with the common people, such as farmers, ranchers, miners, and small business owners.  They believed the two major political parties, Republican and Democrat, had become overly influenced by wealthy men, to the extent that they were ignoring the intensions of the founding fathers.  Although the wealthy had more money with which to influence government, the common people had greater numbers of voters.  They formed a party of their own--The People's Party, and although their party was short-lived, it remains the most successful third party in our nation's history.  Many of their ideas were implemented by the two old parties.

My current research found that the term Populism had practically disappeared in common use by the 1950s; however, historians began to apply the word to those who were Anti-Elites.  With the rejuvenation of the word Populism, it's original meaning expanded, becoming so broad that the meaning from the late 1800s, as well as the achievements of the people of the Populist movement, were nearly forgotten.

One political scientist noted the modern ambiguity of the term by describing the range of meanings for the word.  It was used for farmers' radicalism, peasant movements, and intellectual agrarian socialism, as well as populist dictatorships, populist democracy, reactionary populist, and politicisms' populism.  If you followed all of those adaptations of the meaning of Populism, your head must be spinning.  Some have observed the contradictory meanings of these uses and have suggested that the word should be abandoned entirely.  (Wikipedia, Populism)

What would Isaac Werner and other Populists of the late 1800s think of the use of the word they created as it is being used today.  If there is the word Populism in today's politics, who defines what is Negative Populism and what is Positive Populism?  I am inclined to agree that the journalists, news commentators, and politicians of today return the word to the Populists of the late 1800s and come up with new words for the political turmoil of today! 



Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Importance of a Free Press


Find journalists you trust--they are still out there!

Recently, I have been reading books about World Wars I and II.  Those of you who have followed my blog for over a decade know my interest in history and my admiration for the Constitution, and while I had an interest in America's involvement in wars, I have sought to learn more in the past year. This blog was motivated by a quote from Leon Uris's book Mila 18,--a conversation between a disillusioned news journalist who feels as though his reporting is being ignored and his editor, who encourages him to keep reporting, even when too many are not paying attention.   

    Journalist:  "Can I go on being a journalist under these conditions?  I have learned now that truth is not truth.  Truth is only what people want to believe and nothing more."  

    Editor:  "But you will continue to seek it as a journalist... You have lost sight of the fact that there is a world of decent human beings and a lot of them are listening.  They depend on the Christopher de Monts to be their eyes.  You are not a man to abandon the human race because you have lost a battle."  

The book from which this quote is taken is about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising in 1943, in which nearly everyone was killed or removed to the extermination prisons.   Christopher de Monts, the disillusioned journalist, was protected by the fighters in the Ghetto and led to safety so that he could live to tell what had happened.  Although Mila 18 is a novel, based on an actual event, it caused me to think about the real journalists that are risking their lives to report the news in violent places.

As of January 1, 2023, the Committee to Protect Journalists, have documented deaths in the Gaza-Israel war as 82 journalists and media workers confirmed dead.  The Committee to Protect Journalists have sought since 1992 to document deaths of those who risk their lives to gather news--killed by murder, crossfire, and on dangerous assignments-- and the total since they began is 2,284. 

The 1st Amendment of the American Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law ...abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ..."  Our Founding Fathers recognized the importance of citizens having access to accurate information in order for the nation to survive.  Although there has always been concern during wars that disclosing information might reveal secrets to the enemy, records from W.W. II report that 67 journalists died over 7 years.  In Vietnam 63 died over 20 years.

Some countries do not allow the same freedom of the press.  According to the World Freedom Index, information from North Korea, Iran, Turkmenistan, Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Cuba, Iraq, and Syria are among those difficult to access information.  (Source: Wikipedia)

Not all deaths of journalists happen on the battlefield.  In October of 2018 Saudi journalist Khashoggi entered the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.  When telling the truth made it too dangerous for him to remain in his home country, he had left, coming to America to continue reporting as a columnist for the Washington Post newspaper.  Knowing the danger of returning to his own country, but needing some personal documents, he went to the Saudi consulate in Turkey to acquire the documents he needed.  Although he avoided returning to Saudi Arabia, he was killed.  His death is evidence of how important a free press is and a reminder of the courage of men and women who sometimes risk their lives to provide accurate information.   

Our Founding Fathers knew the importance of a free press.  We have had Yellow Journalism perhaps as long as there were printing presses, but people seemed to know that their exaggerations were just that--sensationalism rather than facts.  There were scandal sheets and romanticized magazines that may have been offensive but did little harm.  People found radio, television broadcasters, and newspapers that they trusted for keeping informed.  There were also commentators who expressed opinions, and often there were dueling commentators to offer different points of view, but there was a distinction between news and opinion.   

Find Original Sources that have been documented (Anne Frank's Journal),

The world has changed, and sometimes it is hard to find the truth, but a Free Press is still essential for Americans.  We do not want the government dictating our news, but as more unsourced information enters the internet, we have a greater responsibility to make sure we are not allowing ourselves to be duped. Just because someone tells us what we want to hear doesn't make it true.  We must be more vigilant to seek the truth today.  Even evening news today seems to have included more soft news and human-interest stories than in the past, seeming to believe we are more likely to watch if we are entertained. 

The professionalism of Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite is difficult to find but important to seek.  Thank goodness for the internet which brings amazing information into our homes, but watch out for the misinformation that it also brings.  Those who choose to distort reality have no moral code.  They have even attempted to challenge the truth of Anne Frank's Journal.  

If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, don't let someone convince you that it is a swan.          

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

A Not So Sweet Tale

Ideas do not always succeed, not even when 'experts' believe they will succeed.  This blog is about one of those times when education, experience, and determination did not succeed, a historic failure most of you may never have heard about.  A respected, successful businessman from Larned, John Bennyworth, was a strong advocate for the effort, and he acted on advice from professionals whose early efforts led them to believe their research would bear fruit.  They sincerely thought that producing refined white sugar from sorghum cane was 'just around the corner.'

My research for Prairie Bachelor first made me aware of the effort to produce refined white sugar from sorghum cane, having learned about it from entries in Isaac Werner's journal and further research in local newspapers.  Later, after my book was published, I discovered a wonderful paper by Homer E. Socolofsky titled 'The Bittersweet Tale of Sorghum Sugar' published several years ago in "Kansas History."  For those readers of "Prairie Bachelor" who would like more information about the failed Sorghum Sugar effort, I recommend Socolofsky's article, and you may want to look up "sugar mills" in the index of Prairie Bachelor to read more about local efforts.

There were many reasons why the idea of sorghum sugar had momentum.  First, Kansas farmers were getting disappointing prices for the crops they were raising in the late 1800s, and the idea of a different crop was appealing.  Second, white sugar was expensive enough that a cheaper, sorghum sugar would be competitive.  Third, it was believed that the sorghum sugar might be sweeter.  And fourth, white sugar production in the south had been disrupted by the Civil War, which resulted in higher prices, opening the door for a competing means of producing white sugar, especially until the Southern sugar cane fields recovered.

Although the process of refining sorghum sugar had not been perfected, scientists were reporting the optimism of advancing technology, and the U.S. government Laboratory was predicting advancement, which led to government funds becoming available.

In 1880-1881 there were three sorghum sugar mills in Kansas:  The Marion County Pioneer Sorgo Sugar Factory, The Central Arkansas Valley Sorghum Sugar Association at Larned, and the Ellsworth Sugar Works.  Between 1884 and 1894 the U.S. government poured $509,000 into Sugar Manufacturing experiments, as well as private investors.  Thirteen of the twenty-three locations in which the federal government research was invested were located in Kansas, with 75% invested in materials and machinery.  

Kansas communities that invested in sugar factories included Hutchinson, Sterling (2 Mills), Dundee, Kinsley (a relocation from Larned), El Dorado, Conway Springs, Pratt, Medicine Lodge, Topeka, Ness City, Fort Scott, Bavaria, Douglass, Attica, Meade, Liberal, Arkalon, Minneola, and Garden City.

There were several reasons why the production of Sorghum Sugar failed, including the success of beet sugar.  Farmers discovered that they could profit more from feeding sorghum to cattle than trying to profit from sales to a potential sugar market.  The Sorghum Sugar boom for white sugar-making failed, and some of those who had promoted Sorghum Sugar suddenly suffered a loss of memory about their previous promotions.  

In "Prairie Bachelor," I quote from a letter to the editor:  "Let me ask in the name of common sense what right the press of Kansas has for denouncing the people for doing the very thing that they have been recommending."  This disappointment is only one example of the struggles farmers on the Kansas Prairie faced in the late 1800s as they explored crops and methods suitable for the prairie.

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Some New Words for the New Year

Always more new words for us to learn!

     As a writer, I take words very seriously, trying hard to select the right word for what I mean to say.  However, I am finding it more and more difficult to keep up with new words that seem to pop up regularly.  In case some of you are experiencing the same confusion, here are some guides to new words than can be found in modern dictionaries!

    Hellscape  -  a place or time that is hopeless, unbearable or irredeemable.  I am not sure that I have found a use for this word yet, but perhaps that day might come! 

    Cakeism - the false belief that one can enjoy the benefits of two choices that are in fact mutually exclusive, the name taken from the notion of having your cake and eating it too.

    Decision fatigue - mental and emotional exhaustion resulting from excessive or relentless decision making, especially the cumulative effect of small decisions throughout each day.  I confess that my fatigue may be less about too many things I want to do than too few that seem worth doing!

    Bloatware - unwanted software that is preinstalled on a newly bought device, especially when it negatively impacts the device's performance.  This is definitely a word that I will find the need to remember as a result of changes I struggle to learn on my new lap top and the changed search link!

    Self-coup - a coup d'etat performed by the current, legitimate government or a duly elected head of state to retain or extend control over government, through an additional term, an extension of term, an expansion of executive power, the dismantling of other government branches, or the declaration that an election won by an opponent is illegitimate.  This word is new to me, and it sounds very scarry indeed!

    Digital nomad - a person who works remotely while traveling.  Once upon a time, that might have sounded like fun to me.  Lately, I am fairly content to stay close to home.

    GPT - abbreviation of Computers Digital Technology--a type of machine learning algorithm that uses deep learning and a large database of training text in order to generate new text in response to a user's prompt.  My definition of GPT is a little different:  Theft by downloading huge amounts of information created by others without compensation to use to 'create' content that can be used for advancing knowledge and eliminating the need from the people whose work was downloaded, as well as being used by people today and in the future because they do not want to take the effort to create things on their own or who have lost the skill to do it for themselves.  I know that my definition is rather narrow minded and harsh, but there is truth in it that deserves considering.

    Information pollution - the introduction of falsehood, irrelevance, bias, and sensationalism into a source of information, resulting in a dilution or outright suppression of essential facts.  

    In doing the research for this blog, I was amazed by the number of new words being added to dictionaries, and I was a bit reminded of my age, finding so many of them as unfamiliar and irrelevant to my life.  If you are curious for more new words, there are many more out there for you to find!  The research gave me "decision fatigue"!!!